Jana Kilińskiego Street Festival – 1920s, 1930s.

The Mayor of the City of Białystok, Tadeusz Truskolaski, and the ‘Śródmieście’ Community Center in Białystok invite you to the Jana Kilińskiego Street Festival, which will take place on May 26 (Sunday) at 12:00-16:00.

The whole of Jana Kilińskiego Street will be bustling with life on this day – the institutions and restaurants located there will be preparing special offers for participants!
The inter-war atmosphere will be felt through a number of attractions, and music will accompany the whole time. From the balcony of one of the old townhouses located on Kilińskiego Street, pre-war tangos played live by a violinist will resound. The Stylish Dance Orchestra will perform on stage with a special repertoire from the 1920s and 1930s, as well as budding artists from the ‘Śródmiescie’ Community Center, including the Early Music and Dance Ensemble ‘Capella Antiqua Bialostociensis’ under the direction of Helena Szuhalska, who will present the dance etude ‘Panna Andzia’. There will also be plenty of laughs! Seniors from the ‘Lumbago’ Cabaret under the direction of Adam Zieleniecki will entertain the audience with songs in a performance entitled ‘With a smile in Podlasie’. Delightful outfits from the 1920s and 1930s will be presented by students of the ZSTiO z Oddziałami Integracyjnymi im. Stanisława Staszica w Białymstoku during a fashion show in the scenery of Kilińskiego Street, which will be created, among other things, by vintage cars. All participants are encouraged to style their clothes with reference to the inter-war period, as there will be a fashion styling competition from the 1920s-30s. The best styles will be awarded!

Photographs in exhibitions, but not only! Commemorative photos await the participants!
Participation in the event will be immortalised in a commemorative photograph. Photos will be printed on site from a retro photobooth.
‘Retrovision’ is an exhibition at the ‘Śródmieście’ Community Center, which consists, among other things, of photographs stylised from the interwar period. The ‘Herring in Porcelain’ exhibition and the snapshot exhibition ‘From Kilinski’ will be on display at the Army Museum. The UMB Museum of the History of Medicine and Pharmacy invites you to visit exhibitions on the history of medicine and a multimedia exhibition on the history of the Branicki Palace in Bialystok in the 17th-century palace cellars.

Attractions for the whole family
The day will also include a guided tour of the Guest Palace and the mechanism of the historic clock in the Great Griffin Gate. In addition to exhibitions, the Army Museum will host games and activities from the inter-war period (including horseshoe toss, classes, pipe rolling), as well as an art workshop for children entitled ‘Self-made card for Mother’s Day’. At the Marchand Independent Art Gallery, you will be able to let your artistic expression run wild. Not only an exhibition, but also a ‘Meet the artists over coffee’ and ‘Free painting’ under the guidance of professionals will be waiting there.
Free entry to all events!

Honorary patronage of Mayor of Bialystok Tadeusz Truskolaski

Organised by: ‘Śródmieście’ Community Center in Białystok.

Media patrons: Polish Radio Białystok, BiałystokOnline, Kurier Poranny, Gazeta Współczesna

Partners: Army Museum in Białystok, Sleńdziński Gallery in Białystok, Museum of the History of Medicine and Pharmacy at the Medical University of Białystok, Marchand Independent Art Gallery, Stanisław Staszic Complex of Technical and Comprehensive Education Schools with Integration Classes in Białystok, MOTO RETRO Museum of Old Motoring and Technology, Sljedzik Souvenir Shop, Maison du Café, KOKU SUSHI Restaurant


THE PROGRAMME: Jan Kiliński Street Festival – 1920s, 1930s.


12:00 Speech by the Mayor of the City of Białystok Tadeusz Truskolaski

Information on the 34th anniversary of the rebirth of Local Self-Government in Poland

Announcement of fashion styling competition from the 1920s – 1930s

12:10 ‘Squillo’ Choir under the direction of Urszula Kropiewnicka

– ‘Śródmieście’ Community Center in Bialystok

12:25 Bachata – dance performance by the Dance and Ballet Studio under the direction of Elżbieta Lichanów

– ‘Śródmieście’ Community Center in Bialystok

12:30 Youth Music Ensemble under the direction of Julia Piech

– ‘Śródmieście’ Community Center in Bialystok

12:45 Fashion show and fashion stylings from the 1920s-1930s in the scenery of Jana Kilińskiego Street

– students of the Stanislaw Staszic ZSTiO with Integrated Classes in Bialystok

13:00 Pre-war tangos performed by Julia Piech

13:10 Panna Andzia – dance étude by the Ensemble of Early Music and Dance ‘Capella Antiqua Bialostociensis’ under the direction of Helena Szuhalska

– ‘Śródmieście’ Community Center in Bialystok

13:25 Aleksander Chomaniuk – Mapple Leaf Rag, music by Scott Joplin, instructor Zofia Otoka

Emilia Potocka – Hungarian Dance No. 5, music by Johannes Brahms, instructor Leon Tomczuk

– Music Laboratory of the ‘Srodmiescie’ Community Center in Bialystok

13:35 With a smile in Podlasie – Cabaret ‘Lumbago’ under the direction of Adam Zieleniecki

– ‘Śródmieście’ Community Center in Bialystok

14:00 The 20s/30s – a concert by the Stylish Dance Orchestra

15:00 Fashion show and fashion stylings from the 1920s-1930s in the scenery of Jana Kilińskiego Street

– students of the Stanislaw Staszic ZSTiO with Integrated Classes in Bialystok

15:15 Early Music Ensemble ‘Ars Decorum’ under the direction of Joanna Mytnik-Daniluk

– ‘Śródmieście’ Community Center in Bialystok

15:30 Award ceremony of the 1920s/30s fashion styling competition and the prize-giving ceremony

15:45 Recital by Dima Maklakov with a story by Jolanta Szczygieł-Rogowska about the Palace Theatre – Sleńdzinski Gallery in Białystok

16:00 Closing of the event


“Śródmieście” Community Center in Białystok

  • Young Graphic Talents: RETROWIZJA – exhibition of the Graphic Design Studio of the ‘Srodmiescie’ Community Center in Bialystok (exhibition hall, 2nd floor)
  • Retro photobooth
  • Demonstrations of period cars – exhibits from the MOTO RETRO Museum of Old Motoring and Technology

Army Museum in Bialystok

  • Games and plays from the inter-war period (horseshoe toss, classes, pipe rolling, caps)
  • A Mother’s Day card – art workshop for children
  • Z Kilińskiego snapshot exhibition
  • In the photographic atelier – 1920s-30s
  • Stall at the Museum
  • Permanent and temporary exhibitions Herring in porcelain

Museum of the History of Medicine and Pharmacy at the Medical University of Bialystok

  • Guided tour of the UMB Museum of the History of Medicine and Pharmacy: exhibitions on the history of medicine and a multimedia exhibition in the 17th-century palace cellars on the history of the Branicki Palace in Białystok (at 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m.; number of places limited)


Sljedzik Gift shop

  • Guided tour of the Guest House (13:00, 14:00; limited number of places)
  • Tour of the mechanism of the historic clock in the Great Gate of the Griffin (10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.; entries every half hour, limited number of places)


Marchand Independent Art Gallery

  • Painting freely with artists
  • Exhibition of paintings and sculptures of the 13th Podlasie Art Auction
  • Meeting with artists over coffee


Technical and Comprehensive School Complex with Integration Classes

  • Fashion show – 1920s and 1930s.