Christmas Decoration Workshop
We invite you to the Christmas Decoration Workshop, which will take place on December 8 (Sunday) at 12:00 in the Art Studio of the ‘Śródmieście’ Community Center in Białystok (17 […]
We invite you to the Christmas Decoration Workshop, which will take place on December 8 (Sunday) at 12:00 in the Art Studio of the ‘Śródmieście’ Community Center in Białystok (17 […]
You are invited to the Linocut Workshop on textiles on a NEW date!
More information soon!
The ‘Śródmieście’ Community Center in Białystok invites you to an Easter family workshop – QUILLING EASTER EGG!
You are invited to a linocut workshop, where each participant will make their own ex libris!
Join us for a dance workshop – elements of classical ballet under the direction of a dancer from the Bavarian State Opera in Munich!
The ‘Śródmieście’ Community Center in Bialystok invites you to the Bialystok Carol Workshop with Alina Sienkiewicz – the director of the “Długołęczanki” singing group!
Adults are invited to dance workshops (solo) in LATINO rhythms!
You are welcome to the Christmas Workshop for adults!
We would like to invite people aged 15+ to the continuation of the ballet workshop!