Standards for the Protection of Minors at the Srodmiescie Community Center in Bialystok, graphic poster

Standards of the Protection of Minors in the ‘Śródmieście’ Community Center in Bialystok:
  • We accept and respect religious and cultural differences.
  • When you have a problem you can always talk to an educationalist or psychologist.
  • We resolve conflicts in a constructive way – by talking and finding a common solution.
  • We are confident that the teachers will always listen to us and provide assistance.
  • We respect our colleagues and look after their wellbeing.
  • We do not tolerate the use of offensive words or actions towards others.
  1. Regulation No. 04/2024
  2. Annex to Regulation No. 04/2024 – Standards of the Protection of Minors in the ‘Srodmiescie’ Community Center in Bialystok