Between the Brown and the Red Terror. Białystok during the Second World War

"Spotkanie z historią: Między brunatnym a czerwonym terrorem. Białystok w okresie II wojny światowej" w Domu Kultury "Śródmieście" w Białymstoku!

The director of the “Śródmieście” Community Center in Białystok and historian Piotr Bosko invite you to the “Meeting with History: Between the Brown and the Red Terror. Białystok during the Second World War”.

Past through the eyes of a young historian

Piotr Bosko – historian, populariser of the region’s history and aspiring poet – will talk about the town’s history. He was born in Białystok in 2001. Among his main interests in the field of history, apart from the past of Bialystok, is the history of the Soviet occupation of 1939-1941, including above all the Katyn Massacre, to which he devoted his debut volume of poetry, “Diary of Katyn”. He considers Bialystok to be his place on Earth and that is why, a few years ago, he started to work towards promoting its history among Bialystok citizens and beyond. For this reason, he has been running a non-profit historical-tourism channel “Mysterious Białystok” on the YouTube platform(

Historian Piotr Bosko

The occupation of Bialystok during the Second World War was a tragic period in the history of its inhabitants. The same can and should also be said of the history of other towns and villages throughout Poland. But the fate of Bialystok was very different from the fate of cities like Poznan or Cracow. During the meeting with Piotr Bosko we will be able to find out, among other things, how it was possible for Białystok to be under four occupations during the war, two of them as early as September 1939. We will be informed about the role of the city in Soviet and then German state structures. However, the speaker will focus primarily on the terror used by the occupiers, which the inhabitants of Białystok and the Bialystok region faced on a daily basis.

Among other things, archive photographs will help us to learn about those times, so that we can also see that the remnants of the old days are very often at our fingertips today, the historian says.

An incredible ‘Meeting with History’ already on November 17!

Meeting: “Between the Brown and the Red Terror. Białystok during the Second World War” will be held on November 17 (Friday) at 6 pm at the “Śródmieście” Community Center in Białystok (13 Jan Kiliński street, second floor). Free entrance!

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